Hollywood's Trusted Plumbing Specialists
Hire an experienced plumber to complete multiple plumbing services in your Hollywood home instead of working with numerous plumbing companies. CEC Plumbing is your local plumbing company that can do it all, including sewer connection services, irrigation system repairs, video sewer inspections, and kitchen plumbing installations. All of the plumbing services that we provide are performed with expert care and precision so that our Hollywood residential and commercial clients have complete confidence in our plumbing company.
Have a Skilled Professional Check Your Sewer Connections
At CEC Plumbing, new sewer connections, sewer abandonment, and sewer connection repairs are our specialty. When you hire one of our plumbers for sewer connection services, we'll provide you with an up-front quote on our services, including the permits, pumping out your septic tank, breaking bottom, and filling it with clean sand. Our plumbing specialists will even take care of all the required paperwork associated with sewer connection fees. No matter what sewer connection you require, our plumbing company will be able to provide you with exceptional and timely services.
Schedule an Irrigation System Installation for Your Hollywood Home
Many Hollywood homeowners are searching for ways to make their lawn care and maintenance more convenient and cost-effective. Installing an irrigation system is an excellent way to make lawn care less time-consuming and stressful. If you're interested in the benefits of installing an irrigation system in your Hollywood lawn, reach out to a qualified plumbing company like CEC Plumbing to schedule a consultation.
The advantages of owning an irrigation system are numerous, and they include the increased convenience and property value that a sprinkler system provides. A decreased water bill is also associated with a timed irrigation system because it waters your lawn efficiently without wasting water. Additionally, an irrigation system allows you to water your lawn while you're away at work or vacation so that your yard doesn't suffer in your absence.